Promotion for Matt Jones at Bauer
Bauer Radio has promoted Matt Jones to News Operations Manager and News Centre Editor (Leeds). Matt previously served as Senior Bulletin Editor at Radio Aire.
Matt will be overseeing news content for Radio Aire, Radio Aire 2, Viking FM, Viking 2, Hallam FM and Hallam 2. He can be found tweeting @radiomattjones
Recent news related to Greatest Hits Radio (West Yorkshire), Hallam 2, Hits Radio (East Yorkshire & Northern Lincolnshire), Radio Aire (Closed August 2020) or Viking 2 (Closed April 2024)
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Matt Jones
Greatest Hits Radio (West Yorkshire)
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Hallam 2
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Hits Radio (East Yorkshire & Northern Lincolnshire)
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Radio Aire (Closed August 2020)
Viking 2 (Closed April 2024)
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