Pest titles to launch
Pest, a bimonthly magazine for UK pest professionals, will launch in January 2009.
Content will include technical and managerial features as well as product launches, industry initiatives, legislative changes, conferences and events, readers’ news and achievements.
Published in alternate months to Pest, Pest+ is an e-news bulletin for the UK pest control industry. The first edition of Pest+ will be available in December 2008.
Content for the e-bulletin is aimed specifically at the pest management industry, keeping readers abreast of breaking news and development.
Both outlets are edited by Frances McKim and published by McKim and Helen Riby. McKim is also the editor of Professional Pest Controller, the journal of the UK pest control industry.
Pest and Pest+ will be added to FeaturesExec shortly.
[lnk||_self|Professional Pest Controller]