M+C transfer medical titles to MedMedia
M+C Group has transferred all of its publishing operations to MedMedia Group.
Scope, Modern Medicine, Hospital Doctor of Ireland, Irish Psychiatrist, CancerWise, CardioDiabetes, NutritionWise and the OTC Directory are now published by MedMedia.
Staff email addresses will have the following format: forename.surname@medmedia.ie.
Scope, Hospital Doctor of Ireland, CardioDiabetes, NutritionWise and the OTC Directory will be added to the FeaturesExec media database soon.
[lnk|http://www.featuresexec.com/publications/info_outlet.php?pubid=7643|_self|Modern Medicine (The Irish Journal of Clinical Medicine)]
[lnk|http://www.featuresexec.com/publications/info_outlet.php?pubid=7645|_self|Irish Psychiatrist]