Freelance updates following the closure of LOOK magazine

LOOK magazine has now closed having released its last issue on 29 May. In light of this, several members of the team have provided their freelance details moving forward.
Gilly Ferguson was Editor of the magazine and is now working across fashion, beauty, parenting and lifestyle. Find her on Twitter @GillyFerg.
Former Acting Deputy Editor Giselle Wainwright is also available for commissions as a Freelance Journalist and tweets via @missgisellew.
Beauty Writer Gabrielle Dyer is looking for writing commissions across beauty and is on Twitter @GabyDyerr.
Former Deputy Fashion Editor Sarah Barlow is now available for freelance work and commissions as a Stylist, Shoot Producer, Writer and Fashion Consultant. Her work can be viewed on her website.
Harriet Davey was Deputy Fashion News Editor at the publication. She is now a Stylist and Writer available for desk cover, shoots and writing opportunities across all platforms. Find Harriet tweeting @harristylist.
Chloe Burcham was formerly Deputy Beauty Editor at the publication and is now available for digital consultancy work, desk cover, shoots and commissions. Chloe tweets @chloeburcham.
Sarah-Rose Harrison is a Stylist, Art Director, Writer and Shoot Producer who is now available for commissions. She is also working on her blog Find Sarah tweeting @SarahRHarrison.
Beauty Editor Lydia Thompson has also revealed her freelance details, and will be available for commissions after 9 July. She is on Twitter @LydiaAThompson.
Digital Lifestyle Editor Anna Duff is available for shifts and commissions as of now, and can be found on Twitter @annacatriona.
Picture Editor Victoria Adegboyega is also available for freelance work following the closure of LOOK magazine, and works across fashion, beauty, fitness, video and social. She can be found on YouTube via her channel Style Maven World.
Recent news related to (Closed June 2018)
Recent news related to Gilly Basset, Giselle Wainwright, Sarah Barlow, Anna Duff, Harriet Davey, Sarah-Rose Harrison, Gabrielle Dyer, Lydia House or Chloe Burcham
Media Database
Gilly Basset
Giselle Wainwright
Sarah Barlow
Anna Duff
Harriet Davey
Sarah-Rose Harrison
Gabrielle Dyer
Lydia House
Chloe Burcham
- (Closed June 2018)