Editors hired for Espicom healthcare titles
Espicom has appointed Emma Payne as editor of Pharma Agreement News and Andrew Way as the editor of Anti-Infective Drug News.
They have been hired to replace Samantha Turner, who left at the beginning of October.
Pharma Agreement News is a bimonthly newsletter for the pharmaceutical industry to let people know who is collaborating with who on what drug. Anti-Infective Drug News,also bimonthly monitors antibiotic and antiviral drug developments worldwide. They are both published by Espicom Business Intelligence.
[lnk|http://www.featuresexec.com/publications/info_features.php?pubid=6174|_self|Pharma Agreement News]
[lnk|http://www.featuresexec.com/publications/info_features.php?pubid=6158|_self|Anti-Infective Drug News]