delicious. switches to real-time publishing
delicious. has redesigned its magazine as part of a switch to real-time publishing.
Issue dates of the magazine will match the on-sale dates. For example, the current January 2014 issue will be available in shops from 1 to 31 January.
The first real-time issue features a redesign incorporating an updated look from cover to cover, plus 16 pages of ‘no-fuss, no-frills’ midweek meals.
This is partly in response to the seasonal focus of the magazine; editor Karen Barnes said: “Seasonal eating has always been at the heart of delicious. – it's just it was hard to make sense of things like the asparagus and strawberry seasons when issues came out weeks before the date on the cover. Now, everything makes so much more sense. It feels as though we can write the magazine completely geared to the feeling and food of the moment.”
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