Changes at the Liverpool Echo
There has been several changes to editorial staff at Trinity Mirror's Liverpool Echo this week.
On the sports desk, Greg O'Keeffe is now Everton F.C. editor. He was previously Everton F.C. correspondent. Phil Kirkbride has been appointed Everton F.C. reporter.
Neil Docking is now court reporter, covering news from Liverpool Crown Court.
Lorna Hughes is Wirral reporter. Liam Murphy has been appointed as the Echo's political editor. He was previously a Wirral reporter.
Joe Thomas is city centre reporter. He previously reported for Trinity Mirror's Merseyside weeklies.
Joshua Taylor is now social affairs reporter, covering health and education. Taylor joined the Liverpool Echo in 2013 as multimedia business journalist.
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Liam Murphy
Lorna Hughes
Neil Docking
Philip Kirkbride
Greg O'Keeffe
Joe Thomas
Joshua Taylor
Steve Graves
Liverpool Echo
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