The prospect of creating and building a successful blog can be a daunting one, but veteran blogger Marko Saric wants to shepherd the budding blogger through the wilderness of plugins, templates, widgets and content creation with his site Howtomakemyblog.com. We catch up with Marko to see what inspired his move into the blogging world.
Tell us about your blog, how did you get started? Why did you choose your subject?
I started creating websites and content in the late 1990s focusing on my favorite band Metallica. In the mid-2000s I converted the site into a blog and got very much involved in blogging and social media. In 2008 I decided to share my experience and my learnings with newbie bloggers at How To Make My Blog.
How do you source content for your blog?
I write the majority of the content myself. I do some interviews with bloggers that have interesting and inspiring stories. Once in a while I also feature guest posts from relevant authors.
Do you like to write reviews? How many people read your reviews?
I don't write reviews too often. I prefer to talk about tools and services that I really like and use personally.
How did you build a following for your blog?
It was mostly done through creating valuable content regularly over a longer period of time. Interesting content is what builds a following.
Are you a PR friendly blog? Do you accept contributions and content for your blog?
As mentioned earlier I do interview interesting people regularly and I do publish guest posts often. The key here is that the content that is submitted to me is valuable to my audience and not just a simple sales pitch.
How best do you like to be approached by PRs?
Send me an email or tweet me @markosaric.
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