Supporting the industry: ResponseSource confirms three-month payment pause for freelancers

Update from Joanna Arnold, CEO of Access Intelligence, parent company of ResponseSource, Vuelio and Pulsar.
We’re committed to supporting the industry as we navigate together the disruption caused by COVID-19.
The challenges faced by the PR industry go hand in hand with the need for businesses to increase communications as they manage multiple stakeholders in this rapidly changing environment. We’re hearing from teams across the country who are under intense pressure and grappling with new ways of remote working.
This is why its vital that we, as a software provider to the industry, can be relied on including by the considerable number of our clients who are NHS, Police or Emergency Service organisations. Whether workflow or stakeholder management, database research or political insights, our clients need our tools to deliver.
We are taking steps to help. Last week, we announced a raft of measures including free online monitoring for frontline organisations and free daily stakeholder analysis to help industry get ahead of COVID policy. This is with free additional product functionalities to support our clients in working remotely.
I can also confirm we will pause any subscription payments for three months by a customer who is freelance and contacts us to confirm they are eligible for the Government COVID-19 relief scheme. Please speak to your account manager to find out more.
These are exceptional times. We hope by working together with our clients and with the industry to be able to help.