Cats of Communications

Last year I had the pleasure of putting together our Pups of PR blog post featuring the fantastic dogs that prowl the offices of PR teams. Since then we’ve been making jokes about putting together a blog all about cats – and judging by the feedback we’ve had, it seems you want one too!
So here it is. May I present the ‘Cats of Communications’…
Company name: Herd
Cat: Jinx
Amy says “Jinx is always on the scout for treats & attention, no matter if you’re walking through the door, on a call with clients or trying to eat your lunch, Jinx will be at your feet asking to be noticed.
We love having Jinx in the office, she’s a little stress reliever and is always up for a cuddle!”
Company name: Red Candy
Cat: Cat Face
Rachel says “Here at Red Candy we’re really proud of our relaxed and creative office space – with no dress code, the radio on full blast, and unlimited tea – so bringing our pets into the office was the obvious next step on our road to ultimate office coolness! One of our furry visitors is our Director Andrew Menzies’ Bengal kitten, Cat Face (creative name, we know). We love having this fluffy honorary intern around as she adds extra character to the office – plus who wouldn’t want to have a kitten to cuddle whilst they work?!
It’s a tough working day for Cat Face – what with all that exploring and pushing things off desks to be done. Not to mention dueling with her arch enemy – our poor Marketing Manager’s novelty unicorn slippers! But once the excitement dies down, Cat Face loves nothing more than a desk snooze or a cuddle with her colleagues. We may be biased, but we think every office should have an occasional feline visitor – it’s both fun and therapeutic! We also have an office pug, called Waldo…”
Company name: Round Earth Consulting
Cat: Nancy
Sarah says “May I present Nancy of Round Earth Consulting.
She communicates her needs for food, catnip and scratches behind the ears very regularly!”
Company name: PR Artistry
Cat: Elvis
Andreina says “Here is Elvis, the PRA office cat. He likes to keep our papers in order, ensure that we do our filing, and helps us with conference calls – he chips in his opinion sometimes – much to the amusement of clients. In his spare time he is a renowned squirrel hunter and likes to keeps the sofa under control (by lying on it).”
Company name: PRinHR
Cat: Rosie
Annie says “I work from home and have two cats. They are very…helpful. This is Rosie.”
Company name: Michele Bayliss PR
Cat: Bobby
Michele says “I am a PR consultant and work from my home office in Lewes. We have two cats and Bobby, aged 16, likes to spend the day with me in my office. Sometimes when he’s draped on my desk it can be difficult to work!”
Company name: Wigwam® Holidays
Cat: Max
Faith says “I have a rescue cat called Max.
He’s in the office with me most of the time and moves round the room as the sun tracks its way across the sky! I love having him in the office as he’s great company and I can often be heard discussing things with him.”
Company name: The Forge Public Relations
Cats: Top (from back to front) = Sapphire, Monty, Carina and William. Bottom = Acquilo
Claire says “I started working from home so could be with my five cats and two rescue dogs – much more productive than traditional office working!”
Company name: Cerub PR
Cat: Eliot
Ceri says “This is Eliot, who is now 11 but used to sleep in a tissue box when we worked from my house when he was a kitten”
Do you also have an office cat, or perhaps a slightly more unusual pet? Share your pictures in the comments section.
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